Good Morning, 4th Graders - Happy first day of April & April fools day!
Check-in for the day here:
*You can also check-in from your google classroom or by clicking on this link.

This morning, before you begin, you will need to check over the detailed learning page for each subject: Math, Reading, Spelling, & Social Studies to see what needs to be kept at home when you finish and what needs to be sent back. Hopefully, now you have come up with a system that works for you, or in the works of making a system work. Whatever system you use, make sure it works well for you. I will be on my computer all day, so please contact me if you need help...that is what I'm here for. Enjoy your day!
Today for math you are going to be working 14-6: Perimeter. Throughout math, you will need to do Xtramath (let me know if there is not a way you can do this at home and we can get something figured out), watch the 2 math videos, follow along on one of the videos with me going over the reteaching worksheet, and finish off with the practice & daily spiral review sheet.
The only things that come back to me are the 14-6 daily spiral review and practice (which should be back to back on one sheet of paper). Please remember to show all of your work.
Video 1:
Video 2:
In reading you need to complete your Wednesday Daily Review & read The Great Eneergy Debate on page 100-103 in your reading workbooks. Once you are done reading, please do the questions on the sides of the story pages. Remember, you can listen to the story on your Wonders account.
The only thing that needs to come back to me for reading on Wednesday is your daily review.
** I forgot that the stories for the DSP are in your Monday Packets so here is a copy of the stories:

All you need to do for spelling today is the practice spelling worksheet. When you are done you can do spelling city, but it is not required.
What needs to come back: Spelling Practice 2

Today for social studies you need to use your booklet to complete the NE Region booklet quiz.
Your NE Region Booklet AND booklet quiz need to come back.
Once you have completed all your tasks for the day, take a nice break and listen to a chapter from Red if you wish, remember, you can find this above on the "read aloud" tab. Also, don't forget to do your P.E. and/or Music assignments for the week.
Wahoo! You are done for the day. Good work, 4th grade...I will meet you back here tomorrow to discuss what to do then. Until then, go play and get some fresh air.