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Writer's pictureMrs.Brake

Tuesday, April 14th

Good Morning, 4th Graders!

Please check-in for the day:

*You can also check-in by going to your google classroom or by clicking this link.

I hope you all had an amazing LONG break! Today you should have gotten your packet for the rest of the week. Remember, from now on you are going to be reviewing one packet a week. Do not become overwhelmed by all of the papers in your packet as it is for 5 days verse 2 or 3. Keep your heads up, you got this!


For math today you should have papers 17-3 in your packet. You will need to work through the practice and Daily Spiral Review on your own. The reaching video is below as well at the teaching video. Please watch them both before you start on the practice if you are not understanding the topic.

Line Plots:

17-3 Reteaching:


For reading today you need to complete the Week 2 Tuesday "Daily Reading Ready" review then read the "YEH-SHEN" and "SOOTFACE" stories. Once you are done reading the stories you need to complete the questions and Venn Diagram that go along with the stories. For the Venn Diagram, you need to compare and contrast the two stories. Remember where the circles overlap that is where you are writing the similarities.

  • Your story question sheet & your Venn diagram both need to come back along with your Daily Reading Ready.


Today for writing, you will need to watch the video on solutions in Fictional Narrative writing. You will want to have "Spotty's Day Out" next to you so you can follow along with the video when I am reading it. When you are done watching the video you need to fill out the anchor chart for problem and solution. Remember you were supposed to brainstorm a problem for your story last week, all you have to do is write that one in the problem spot and write your solution in the solution box.

  • What needs to come back: Problem and solution anchor chart.

Fictional Narrative -Problem & Solution:


Today is science day! For science, you need to look at the soil vocabulary match worksheet. You need to match the words with the correct definitions, turn your papers over to see the definitions of the vocabulary words. When you are completed with your vocabulary match worksheet you can try this experiment ( SURE TO ASK YOUR PARENTS FIRST. Remember this experiment is optional.

  • The soil vocabulary match worksheet needs to be returned.

Here is a video of the experiment if you don't want to do it just see what happens:

Once you have completed all your tasks for the day, take a nice break and listen to a chapter from Red if you wish, remember, you can find this above on the "read aloud" tab. Also, don't forget to do your P.E. and/or Music assignments for the week.

That is all for today! Have a wonderful rest of your day!

-Mrs. Brake

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